By Ceiara Madrigal
Mon Nov 27 2023
I decided to join a symposium dedicated to women in ML. Recently I've been very intresting in ML, so I am excited to learn new tools and topics.
machine learning artificial intelligenceA page dedicated to personal content to manage my accomplishments and thoughts.
By Ceiara Madrigal
Mon Nov 27 2023
I decided to join a symposium dedicated to women in ML. Recently I've been very intresting in ML, so I am excited to learn new tools and topics.
machine learning artificial intelligenceBy Ceiara Madrigal
Fri Nov 17 2023
I've added some new ingredients and reinitialise the Happy Pug database. I am still in love with the logo and proud of myself for creating a fully functioning app that is useful for other dog parents. You can download Happy Pug on the Google Play Store by clicking the link!
android app mobile development Google Play StoreBy Ceiara Madrigal
Thu Nov 16 2023
I've finished my first freelance project and it was a great learning experience. I am thrilled on how it turned out and it makes me happy that that client also feels this way. Now I just need to maintain the site and update necessary content.
freelance full stack web developmentBy Ceiara Madrigal
Fri Oct 27 2023
Here is a throw back to a Unity game that I've made with 5 other students. I remember working on a great team of dedicated students and because of that we created such a cool, fun game within an extremely short time period. We were able to create 5 different abilities and upgrades, 2 versions of enemies and a boss level. To play and learn more about the game that I helped create click on the link and enjoy!
game development unity team-work